Keystone Adult Learning Center relies on the generosity of the local and surrounding community agencies and individuals for much needed donations. Your tax-deductible contribution is essential to our continued success in providing this much needed community service.

You can help our agency in one of the following ways:

Make a contribution in memory of a loved one, friend or business associate. This memorial will be acknowledged with a card, which is sent to you and family members in whose name the gift has been made.

Make a special one time annual gift to Keystone Adult Learning Center. All gifts are tax deductible through Keystone Adult Learning Center’s 501 c (3) status.

Many companies have corporate gift programs and will match your contributions or select Keystone Adult Learning Center as your beneficiary of your United Way contribution.

Keystone Adult Learning Center would like to thank the following agencies for their continued support and generosity:

Tri-Valley Community Fund, Wal-Mart of Pleasanton, Lawrence Livermore Lab HOME Campaign, Pleasanton Hilton, St. Augustine’s Church, Give Something Back, Tri-Valley Leads, Pleasanton North Rotary, St. Charles Borromeo Church, Soroptimist International of Livermore, Allegra Printing, Good New Bears


Copyright © 2005 Keystone Adult Learning Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved